
Complementary Medicine for LAM and Beyond

Our long-awaited attendance at our first LAMposium was truly an experience to remember.  Being a loved one of a woman with LAM and a physical

Complementary Medicine for LAM and Beyond

Where there once was fear, there is now hope

In 2020, Meagan Knight was a young newlywed, working as a nurse in a hospital COVID-19 unit when her lungs collapsed. No, it wasn’t COVID-19.

Where there once was fear, there is now hope

Fighting for a LAM Diagnosis and Now a Cure

For seven years, I continually searched for answers because I knew something was wrong with my health. I had a hard time breathing and started

Fighting for a LAM Diagnosis and Now a Cure

Life with LAM

Trust & Estate Administrator | Retired, Falls Church, VA Age: 64 | Diagnosed at age: 45 “Living with LAM has been an interesting journey! Although not

Life with LAM

Life with LAM

Marketing Professional | Founder, Accessible Itineraries | Certified Professional Coach, Brooklyn, New York Age: 42 | Diagnosed at age: 30 “I was diagnosed with LAM six

Life with LAM

Life with LAM

Stay at Home Mom, Newcastle, NSW Australia Age: 39 | Diagnosed at age: 26 “Being diagnosed at the age of 26 was very mentally challenging for

Life with LAM

Sirolimus Gave Stephanie a Second Chance

Two years ago, Stephanie Weber’s life was turned upside down. This active mom of three was struggling to breathe. She could barely even care for her Golden Retrievers. Stephanie ended up in the ER with a

Sirolimus Gave Stephanie a Second Chance